
I have utilized design competitions to explore ideas, test concepts, and have fun with speculative design ideas. Here are two examples.

“Leviathan” was my entry for a planetarium competition. A reference to the Hobbes text describing an idealized world, this proposes to create a physical manifestation of science as a governing force in our lives. The building seeks to be more than just a planetarium, but a beacon for science with an expanded museum program and functioning science lab space. At the same time, the planetarium program is preserved and a unique vantage point is presented to public visitors: uninterrupted views of the sky and our place in it below.

“Atacama Crossroads” was an entry in the International Museum of Astronomy ideas competition, completed with Ben Prager and Alyssa Phanitdasack while we were Oregon architecture students. The design incorporates elements of Andean cosmology and places most of the museum below ground in a large cruciform plan with major elements at the ends of the two axes.


Kalman Filter for Statistical Orbit Determination


3D Printing Experiments