Restaurant Ceiling Concept

A design exploration for a restaurant dining room feature ceiling combined an existing detail from the restaurant’s brand with conceptual features unique to the seaside site. I utilized skills in parametric design tools and rendering software to take the concept from sketched idea to design presentation.

Work completed with Assembledge+.

Inspiration drawn from the site of the restaurant: a seaside location with a unique wood bench just outside along a boardwalk, establishing a basis for materiality and form.

The construction system for the ceiling was established early by a proprietary detail and brand element found in other restaurant locations. Once the system of breaking the linear elements was determined, the experience of the space for guests was the key driver of overall form.

Grasshopper enabled parametric authoring and a rapid, iterative exploration of the design space to settle on a winning form.

Metadata to assist fabrication and construction was embedded in the model to assist budgeting and scheduling.

Final renderings in Vray showed the ceiling’s integration with the space and its contribution to the dining experience, as well as suggesting materiality and possible lighting.

A late ask to apply a similar treatment to the cookline ceiling was a straightforward extension of the design exploration. Since the dining room design included building the parametric tool that accepted a simple input, this only involved adjusting a few parameters.


Custom Tools for Rhino/Grasshopper


EVA Prebreathe Bubble Growth Modeling